Kay C. Anderson Mast

Profile Updated: April 4, 2009
List Your Class Year: 1969
Residing In: Colorado Springs, CO USA
Occupation: retired Harrison District Two teacher
Children: Dawn Kathleen, born 1973, graduated Sierra High School 1992
Yes! Attending Reunion
Did you letter in a sport?



I had a great 30 years of teaching in the district, being an employee advocate, and even being on the School Board. Now I am enjoying my retirement with lunches and movies with friends and being president of my Homeowners Association. Dawn, husband Terry, and granddaughter Alexis live in North Carolina but at least now I get to visit more often. Life is good!!

School Story:

Every year when the State Wrestling Championships are in the paper and on the news I am reminded of 1968 when Mike Childers won the State Championship in Denver. We, the cheerleaders, got to stay overnight in a hotel which was exciting enough, but then to have Mike win was a real memory maker.

One of my other favorite memories occurred many years later when I was president of the Harrison Education Association and held a meeting at HHS. A number of teachers at the meeting had been MY teachers and when they came up afterwards to tell me how proud they were of me was absolutely the best. Just thinking about that still brings tears to my eyes.