Brittany Krause

Profile Updated: August 22, 2018
List Your Class Year: 2012
Residing In: Colorado Springs, CO USA
Children: I have no children
Yes! Attending Reunion
Did you letter in a sport?


Please list any school awards, achievements and or honors that you received in high school.

IMy diploma and I am not sure about any other school awards, achievements or honors.

Were you in Band?


Were you in Drama?


Were you in Music?

Yes, in my my junior and senior year

Were you the class clown, the jock, the freak, the loner, the party animal, the nerd or a non-conformist?

The loner, I did not talk to many people, just the teachers

Were you into the Arts?

Just culinary arts


I work at a day program as a mentor for adults with developmental disabilities

School Story:

I do not have anything to share that happened at school but on certain nights when Harrison had football games
